Stuff and Nonsense

Exactly what it says on the tin

Friday, November 03, 2006


This story has made me so angry.
The poor baby had such a short life full of fear and pain and his mother allowed it. The BBC website is not the first place I read this, I read it in the Daily Mail (yes, yes I know), there was a quote from her in the story in the Mail which made my blood boil

"I did not think that he would seriously harm Aaron, just harm him a bit"

It just beggars belief that she thought even a little bit of abuse was alright.
It also says that she was afraid she would be killed if she left him, I would risk being killed if it meant my baby was away from a monster who thought it would be alright to pick a baby up by his ears and fling him across the room or swing him around by the ankles or even to constantly be flicking and inflicting pain on him.

I'm sure I'm not the only one.


  • At 11:03 am, Blogger Mary said…

    Yep, the only time I really stood up to my abusive boyfriend was when we were babysitting his baby stepbrothers. You just can't allow a child to come to harm. I'd imagine that's amplified about a billion times when it's your OWN child.

    But, severe abuse can do funny things to a person. For all we know she experienced abuse her whole life and even thought it was normal to "just harm him a bit".


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