Stuff and Nonsense

Exactly what it says on the tin

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Racial Abuse And A Big Baby

My mum was racially abused on Sunday. She works in a care home for children, some with learning difficulties, others with parents who don't care and the rest are just little bastards. Anyway, there were a group of kids hanging around, one of them she described as "someone I could cheerfully punch all day long", so she went outside to ask them to move on and away from the home. The lad she would like to punch swaggered towards her, all knuckles dragging and hoodie pulled tight around his face "How come
I am from Sunderland and you think you have the right to tell me to move on?" cue my mum trying not to laugh in his face "Just move away from the home" so they swaggered off up the street. 5 to 10 minutes later they were back outside the home smoking pot or a lung or some such nonsense, so my mum and her boss went out to tell them to move on again. Little mister charming again showed his eloquence
"You can't fucking tell me what to do, I was fucking born in this city, I was fucking born in this country, you fuck off back where you came from"

Mum: "Just move away from the home or I'll call the police"
Charmer:"You can call the fucking police all you want, I'll tell them you fucking hit me"
Mum: "I wouldn't dare touch you, I wouldn't know what I'd catch"
Charmer: "Just fuck off where you came from"
at this point my mums boss decided it would be a good idea to go back into the house, especially since the kids were moving off anyway. Since it was classed as racial abuse it had to be reported to the police who, by all accounts, found it as funny as my mum and her boss did. The country my mum comes from? Northern Ireland.

In very nice news a friend of the family had a baby at just before 10pm last night, he was 2 weeks overdue because the midwife made a mix up with her dates, he weighed in at 10lbs 1oz and measured 23inches! That's nearly 2 feet tall! Blimey, congratulations Lisa and welcome to the world big baby Ethan


  • At 5:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi there, was just scrolling through via the next blog button and found your newish blog--so far it's got some good stories in it so I guess I'm just writing to tell you to keep on--i think writing is good for the soul...peace! and welcome to the bloggin' world!

    peggy (aka the local paper writer)


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